3rd Annual Nativity Exhibit & Info on 5th Annual Drive Thru Food Drive

Community volunteers help collect items during a previous year’s Drive-Thru Food Drive in Meridian. This year, the drive has been expanded to include more food pantries and more items such as toys and blankets. (Courtesy photo)

 3rd annual nativity exhibit set for Nov. 18-19

The third annual Boise South Five Mile Nativity Exhibit will take place Friday and Saturday, November 18-19, from noon to 8 p.m. both days. The more than 100 nativities from countries around the world will be on display at 2650 South Five Mile Road.

This is a free, family-friendly event. Masks are recommended by the organizers.

Chairman of the exhibit, Debra Bourne, said some of the countries that the nativities came from last year included Italy, Japan, Africa, Israel, Iceland, Mongolia, Nigeria, Austria, Peru, Thailand, Ghana, Kenya, and Brazil.

“We send surveys out to women in the surrounding area, and they are usually very willing to volunteer their nativities. This will be our third year, and for the most part we have displayed different ones each year,” Bourne explained. “Anyone who would like to participate with a nativity would be welcomed. Contact me at either [email protected] or text me at (208) 761-9636; or also, Lois Wallace at [email protected] or (208) 340-3968. Deadline for registration of nativities is November 10.”

She continued: “Last year we had just over 900 guests in the two days of the event.”

Bourne stated that the weekend before Thanksgiving is the perfect time for the nativity display. “We give thanks to our Savior Jesus Christ by honoring the sacred event of His birth. He gave us the perfect example of how to live. We think it is the perfect time to give thanks for His matchless life.”

Drive-Thru Food Drive slated for fifth year

Meridian’s Interfaith Community Leaders are holding their fifth annual no-contact Drive-Thru Food Drive. The group is expanding its outreach to provide food, toys, and blankets to the Meridian Food Bank, Star Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, and Blanket the World Charity. This year’s event is set for 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, December 11, at the Vertical View Climbing Gym parking lot, 1334 E. Bird Dog Drive in Meridian (behind the Maverik station at Locust Grove and Overland roads).

The Drive-Thru Food Drive will accept non-perishable food items; new, unwrapped toys to support the Marines and local firefighters’ collection efforts; new purchased or handmade blankets that will be donated to Blanket the World Charity for the benefit of refugees and homeless shelter residents; and cash donations in a sealed envelope. Those who donate cash may note their choice of charity on their envelope.

As in past years, the no-contact nature of the drive allows contributions to be made in the warmth and comfort of a vehicle, while community, faith and civic leaders greet everyone curbside and accept the donations through a window or an opened car trunk.

“We sincerely thank you for your continued generosity and support,” Shannon Smurthwaite, co-organizer of the event, said, “and for making a difference each year in our community.”

For more information, email [email protected].

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