The Journey – Whatever You’re Facing, ‘Read the Story’ 


By Roxanne Drury 

We are all on a journey. We each begin that journey in different places. Some in a Christian home, some in a not-so-Christian home. Either way, I think everyone has an expectation of what their life might look like now and in the future. How many of you as a kid picked out what your wedding dress would look like? I did. I still have the picture I tore from the newspaper – that’s because I save everything. Anyway…guess what? I eloped and my wedding dress was actually an old homecoming dress from a homecoming I went to with someone that I was not marrying. Lame, right? But I still have that dress, too. 

Here’s what I’ve learned. When we experience disappointment, we “read the story.” The story of how we met, how we got married, all the fun, excitement, anticipation, stress. We “read the story” of 52 years of marriage, four kids, three miscarriages, six grandkids, eight dogs, seven homes in three states, time spent in ICU for a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury), COVID-19, and on and on. We read the story. 

Here’s another type of story: The Road to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35 

Two guys were walking along the road. They were talking about all that happened. They were disappointed: Jesus was gone. As they were walking, Jesus Himself walked up beside them but they didn’t recognize Him. He came to meet them where they were. Jesus wanted to know what they were talking about – and they told Him all that happened to Jesus. Vs. 21 says: “We had hoped that He was the one who was going to redeem Israel.” 

There it is: disappointment. Jesus called them out on it. In verses 25-26 Jesus calls them foolish and slow of heart. Then Jesus tells them the story (vs. 27): “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” 

Jesus was going to leave them and they urged Him to stay, so He did. As soon as Jesus started to break bread to eat, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Then Jesus disappeared. 

In disappointment, reading the story opens our eyes to the good. Reading the story reminds us of the trials that strengthened us. Reading the story of our lives helps us remember who is in control. 

I love this next part, vs. 32, “They said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures?’” Their hearts were aglow because they were hearing the story. Hearing or reading the story rekindles the fire that once burned in us. What fire that once burned inside of you has lost its flame? Love? Happiness? Contentment? Faith? 

The same idea can be applied to our Christian walk. Read the story. Open your Bible. Reading the story rekindles the fire from when we first accepted Christ. In disappointment, read the story. In doubt, read the story. In a state of confusion, read the story. In a season of waiting, read the story. In a season of wondering why or how, read the story. In sadness, in fear, read the story and let it refuel the fire that once burned inside of you. 

Joshua 1:9 speaks directly to what this message is about: “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

My encouragement to you is to “read the story” and be reignited. The journey begins and ends with the story. 


Roxanne Drury is a wife, mother, grandmother, and retired Christian preschool teacher who served the Lord in children’s ministry for over 45 years and is currently on staff at Rockharbor Church in Meridian. She has written a group study guide on Psalm 23. She may be reached at [email protected]. 


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