Publisher’s Corner – Celebrating Jesus Today, Tomorrow, lways  

By Sandy Jones 

In August I posted this on one of my social media accounts – with the thought that if I can’t laugh at myself, then I’m in trouble. In the end, I was surprised at how many people, like me, had no clue about this little trick. 

“This may go in the “Sandy’s so dumb” column – but I’m excited and have to share. We had a traveling nurse stay with us the past 3 months. She was a delightful lady, and even though she liked her privacy I had several great conversations with her. 

That said – she clearly doesn’t know how to use a shower squeegee and our basically brand new glass shower enclosure was a water spotted mess after 3 months. 

Yes, I YouTubed it – and my last resort was their biggest suggestion – 0000 steel wool. 

I tried everything else first (cleanest shower in the west) – and finally today I gave up and tried the 0000 steel wool…. 

Worked like a charm! Shower looks brand new again. 

First day I have a bit of time I’ve got a couple of outside windows calling ‘0000 Steel Wool – we’d love to meet you….’ 

Now – you either already knew about 0000 Steel Wool – or you are running out the door to get some for your own water spots!” 

Some may be asking why I’m sharing this. As I was reflecting on the wonder of how 0000 steel wool took away all the water spots and left our shower (and many other things since) spotless and looking brand new again – reborn if you will. 

The parallel of what this wonder treatment does for glass, and what Jesus has done for us is not lost on me. How does that old time song go? “He washed me white as snow.” Blemish free. 

However if Steve and I are not careful that shower will get all water spotted again, and I’ll need to break out the 0000 steel wool one more time. 

I see how I’m just like that shower stall – if I’m not careful, and don’t take care of my spiritual walk I’ll get all blemished and sinful again – run the risk of becoming the prodigal child, and need to repent, confess my new sins, asking Jesus to forgive me again, and again. 

Jesus knows me. He knows I’m fully human, and that even at my best I will, no matter how hard I try, slip and sin. For example, it could be as simple as coveting an item someone else has, or as serious as slipping and gossiping about something. He knows me better than I know myself, and while He calls me to do my best, I’m so blessed that it’s not my works that save me – it’s Jesus’ free gift of Salvation. That’s why He came, lived, and died on the Cross. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NKJV 

Bible scholars debate when Jesus was born, some claiming March or April stating that the shepherds were tending their flocks in the spring; others say September based on the history of John the Baptist’s conception, and there are even plausible arguments for how and why December 25th was chosen using the date of his crucifixion as the starting point. Add to that those that want to discuss where and exactly what the manger was; or the fact that by the time the wise men would have arrived, Jesus would have been a toddler. 

I can get sucked into some of these discussions, but personally I try to celebrate His birth, death and resurrection every day. I’m grateful for life, His love and gift of Salvation. I’m always humbled that He’s made this available to me of all people. Even though I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 7, I was 35 before I fully grasped the magnitude of what it was He really did for me.   

I do love the holidays though. It’s a time when we all become more intentional about practicing gratitude, and pausing to remember Jesus’ humble beginnings. The shame Mary and Joseph bore; extremely pregnant Mary riding a donkey to Bethlehem, and then giving birth in a shelter meant for livestock. All to fulfill the prophecy scattered throughout the Old Testament of the coming Messiah. 

The same Messiah that left heaven, and became a man to offer Salvation to each and every one of us. 

Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Phil 2:6-8 NLT 

I’m so grateful for His love; how He modeled life; and then bore all of my sin and shame on the cross. How could I not celebrate Him? I hope you know that He did this all for you too! 

From our staff to each and every one of you – we wish you a blessed holiday season, and thank so many for reaching out with support and encouragement. This includes our wonderful advertisers, without them there would be no Christian Living Magazine. Please frequent them, and thank them for supporting this ministry, making it possible for us to share the hope of God’s love, grace and mercy. 

Merry Christmas! 

Until next time, 

God Bless! 

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